Tag Archives: Brussels

PIIA’s Network Partnership with AGORA Asia-Europe

The Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (PIIA) has become an exclusive network partner of AGORA Asia-Europe making us the only think tank in Pakistan to have been chosen as partner.

AGORA Asia-Europe is a pioneer network linking leading think tanks in Asia and Europe in order to bring together intellectual communities from Asia and Europe. It is borne out of the need to build a bridge between Asia and the EU and create a dynamic strategy so that both regions can interact credibly in the 21st century. It will be led and directed by Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo (FRIDE), the European think tank for global action based in Spain.

The main focus of AGORA Asia-Europe will be on applied research, joint policy briefs and high quality seminars. While the EU outlook towards Asia focuses on a larger number of priority areas, the Agora will monitor and assess the EU’s performance under five pillars in order to find a mix between the broad political ambitions of the EU and the narrower practical realities of engaging Asia within the EU’s capacities.

The research pillars will be Global Governance and Regional Settings, Security-Development Nexus and Stability, Energy and Climate Change, Trade, Democracy and Human Rights. Continue reading

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Filed under AGORA, Europe, FRIDE, PIIA